安樂真理子∕豎琴豎琴家安樂真理子從8歲起與從荷蘭留學回來的親阿姨,也就是日本知名豎琴家井上久美子(Kumiko Inoue)學習豎琴。後來因為父親是日本知名車廠的總裁,而因緣際會搬到加拿大多倫多受教育。之後她決定獨自留下來並繼續與加拿辦公室出租大知名豎琴家 Judy Loman 習琴。真理子有好長一段時間與 Judy 一家人同住。已經有3個女兒的 Judy 待她像自己女兒一樣!真理子不但獲得首屆日本國際豎琴賽首獎,也不負眾望在以色列國際豎琴賽中勇奪季軍。這之後她一直就在紐約大都會歌劇院烤肉食材擔任首席豎琴手,95年首演至今,已被公認是當今樂壇首屈一指的豎琴家。愛狗的真理子,無論去哪演奏,都會帶著狗出國,連大師班都會出現狗狗大團聚呢!Mariko Anraku(安樂真理子)has won attention as one of the world’s outstanding 酒店經紀young harpists through numerous appearances as soloist and chamber musician. She has enchanted audiences throughout the world with her virtuosity and "manifestation of grace and elegance" ( Jerusalem Post). Her 澎湖民宿impressive list of awards includes the Pro Musicis International Award, First Prize from Concert Artists Guild, First Prize from the Japan International Harp Competition, and Third Prize from the International Harp 酒店經紀Competition in Israel. Since her debut as soloist with the Toronto Symphony conducted by Andrew Davis in 1987, Ms. Anraku has performed with the Vienna Chamber Orchestra, the New Japan Philharmonic Orchestra, the Israel 太平洋房屋Philharmonic Orchestra, the Concerto Soloists of Philadelphia, and the Tokyo Solisten among others. As a recitalist, she has been heard in major concert halls on three continents. As a chamber musician, she has performed 房屋出租at the Tanglewood, Spoleto and Newport Music Festivals in the U.S. , the Banff Festival of the Arts in Canada , and the Takefu Music Festival(武生國際音樂祭)in Japan .Ms. Anraku is the Associate Principal Harpist of 結婚the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra. She holds Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from The Julliard School where she was a student of Nancy Allen. Her other teachers have included Judy Loman, Lanalee deKant, and her aunt 室內設計Kumiko Inoue. 錄製的專輯有:《Mariko Anraku Harp Recital I/MUSIC FOR HARP》(EMI TOCE-9462,1996)《Mariko Anraku II Tango》(EMI TOCE-9727,1998)《Eternal Story》(EMI TOCE-55426,2000)《Beau Soir French and Japanese 訂做禮服melodies》(EMI TOCE-55576,2003)

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